January 2020 Newsletter
I work as a contract nurse case manager with a local government entity. This is in joint partnership with Triune Health Group as I am a salaried Nurse Case Manager (NCM) at TRIUNE Health Group which provides the support I appreciate while working as a NCM for each of the files I handle, private and governmental.
Working with governmental entities makes working a file a challenge as some medical providers refuse to take government cases due to the historic lack of payment or slow payments, slow approvals or no response to request for approvals etc, thus the worker is forced to pick a provider based one who will take the insurance rather than based on outcomes, skill or experience.
I received a case a few months back and as typical with a government referral, the date of injury was from several years ago. The worker had had two surgeries on her foot and still had pain to the extent she was unable to complete her mail delivery route but kept taking all the medications and getting all the injections the treating podiatrist recommended.
Upon receipt of the file, I was able to assist this worker in finding a reputable foot and ankle orthopedic specialist to take her case due to my relationships with the local providers. He ordered appropriate therapy, medications, work restrictions and eventually, she was able to RTW full duty with minimal restrictions.
She was most appreciative and gave me a hug with tears when thanking me for helping her. I explained I am a nurse case manager so it is my job to assist but more so, I work for a company that instills and follows the company motto of “People Helping People” which frees me and encourages me to think outside the box, go the extra mile and do the very best I can as a nurse.
I love being a nurse case manager and so very much appreciate working for this company.